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10-May-2006The New QuestHelp System
$GP - Gold Pieces is EPIC !! PREPARE YOUR SPINNING PLATES, MARKET ADVENTURERS! Has the economy dragon burnt your coin pouch? Been swindled by a swarm of scamming imps? FEAR NOT, for we are the latest loot marathon in Gielinor, and we’re more relentless than a Chaos Elemental after your shiny new dragon helm!!!
03-May-2006RuneScape - Better than ever!
WELCOME TO $GP – THE LEGENDARY GOLD RUSH REVOLUTION, where your combat level skyrockets, and the loot is as legendary as the Godswords of old! We're the clan that farms GP by sunrise and flips the Varrock herald by twilight. We’re on a quest to recapture the glory, the frenzy, and the sheer INSANITY of the exchange!
02-May-2006Return of the Wise Old Man!
WE'RE FULLY CHARGED, FULL THROTTLE, and FULLY COMMITTED to making the doubters drown in their own envy potions. Say goodbye to those noob days of bankstanding – we've got the dexterity of a cat with a rat and the might of a full set of Third Age armor. And if the market dares to challenge us? We AGS SPEC our way to MEGA BANK!!!
02-May-2006Behind the Scenes - May
ENLIST IN THE $GP LEGION, where every transaction is like a hit from the Armadyl Godsword! WE’RE NOT JUST ANY CURRENCY; WE’RE AN UPROAR FROM THE DIGITAL DEPTHS – a war chant for all who’ve stared down the Dark Wizards’ Tower and laughed, 'Not today, Saradomin!'
24-Apr-2006Readers' Letters - April
SO UNHOLSTER YOUR DRAGON DAGGER, and let's embark on this financial crusade to supreme wealth! Because in the realm of $GP, WE DON'T JUST FLIP; WE DRAGON CLAW OUR WAY THROUGH THE TREASURY!!! 🛡️💰🔥
CA : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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